Search Engine Algorithms Change – FREQUENTLY!
Something to keep in mind – algorithms for ranking your site are always changing. What worked 5 years ago – even 5 months ago, may or may NOT still be viable. Like any professional thing, ongoing testing and learning are vital to any good SEO company. If your SEO person is relying on practices that USED to work – they may NOT be getting the best results – and may actually be tanking your site. We still see a lot of companies using bad SEO techniques.
It’s not uncommon to see an algorithm change in Google or other search engines causing your site to shift many places in a short period of time. Some shifts are brief, but if your site goes down a few pages and just does NOT come back up, it’s time to try a different strategy – or SEO company. At a minimum, contact your SEO company to find out what’s going on and bring it to their attention. If they’re good, they already know that you’ve shifted and are working on it. If your site moves around a few places from week to week, that’s natural. Some sites though, we have to say, are so much stronger than competitors, that they generally do NOT shift out of first position. You know you’ve got something good going at that point!
Normal variances in your Search Engine Rankings
It is NOT uncommon to see specific rankings shift around from week to week – even day to day in particularly competitive markets and terms. We expect to see variances of a few spots in rankings. We see some pages drop 10 spots, but then another page on your site rises 11 positions for that same term – effectively swapping out positions on the SERPs.
Another common Google Algorithm that will affect your site is PageRank – find out about PageRank here
Search engine algorithms evolve constantly, impacting how content ranks and reaches audiences. Staying updated is crucial, and tools like GodMode9 can help optimize your strategies, ensuring better results and adaptability in a competitive digital landscape.